Unleashing the power of bees for a better world.

"sweetening lives through service"

Communities Served 0 Beekeepers in the bukedi sub-region

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Transformed & Environmentally sustainable communities.


Improved livelihoods of the vulnerable & poor youth, women, elderly and people with disabilities bee farmers in Bukedi sub-region.


Transforming bee keeping into a profitable, community serving and environmentally sustainable industry in Bukedi Sub-region.


Institutional Development Component.

This program area focuses on strengthening effectiveness and efficiency of BuBA to deliver on its mandate. Specifically focuses on sustainability of BuBA, Strengthening of internal management systems and external relations .

Environmental Protection and conservation

-Training of community Support Groups, formation of Environmental Protection and Conservation Clubs in schools, establishment of tree nursery to acts as a demonstration site and supplies tree seedlings to the community.

Apiculture and Income Enhancement Programme

>BuBA focuses on design and implementation of training bee farmers on modern bee keeping and processing through establishment and management of bee keeping inputs, gender equity and mainstreaming, formation and training of Village Savings and Loan Association in business management, group dynamics; management of honey and other bee products, collect and bulk and process Bee products enhanced income.


"Uniting for the future of bees supporting supporting local bee keepers,Global impact"

Environmental Conservation

Support Environmental Conservation and Climate Resilience Climate change is

Last donation 1w ago
$100 raised of $25654 ReadMore

Education and Training

To educate the public about the importance of beekeeping and

Last donation 1w ago
$20 raised of $3000 ReadMore

Support Beekeeping and Environmental Conservation in Schools (BESS):

Bees play a crucial role in pollinating crops enhancing biodiversity

Last donation 1w ago
$250 raised of $2183 ReadMore


Stay informed and inspired with our latest articles and stories.

Environmental Impact.

The Buzz on Climate Change: How Bees Are Affected, Climate

Value of Bees in Pollination

Bees contribute significantly to global economies through pollination services. In

Food and Agriculture

Crop Pollinating Bees. Humans depend on pollination for our most


Beekeeping Conferences

06:57 - 19:00 Mbale

Beekeeping conferences provide a platform for beekeepers, researchers, and enthusiasts

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